Top prices at the Wolden Summer Sale

The First edition of  The Wolden Summer Sale has been a great succes.


10 talented jumpers and 10 Top foals were sold at this auction. The average price for the foals was � 8.475,-, the highest price was for the stallion foal Charmeur (Caretino x Linaro), who was sold for � 14.000,-. The jumpers were sold for an average price of  � 62.250,-. The highest price of the jumpers was for the horse Verviers VDL (Matterhorn x Narcos II), who was sold for � 200.000 to Israel.  Verviers will stay in Holland because he will be ridden by the Dutch International  rider Mark Houtzager.

Next year there will be organized the 2nd edition of the Wolden Summersale.

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