Good results for the Emilion-son VDL Sarantos and his rider Gert Jan Bruggink last weekend. At the International Horseshow of Hengelo they placed 2nd at the Grand Prix of Hengelo. There was a 7th place in this Grand Prix fro the Indoctro-mare Oh Look At My, ridden by Nuri Dijks.There were more good results by offspring of VDL Stallion at Hengelo:
- The Ahorn-son Alwin Z, ridden by Jur Vrieling, placed 2nd in�a 1.35 m class against the clock;
- The Corland-mare Carlanda, ridden by Wout Jan van der Schans, placed 3rd in�a 1.45 m class;
- The Ahorn-son Sparta, ridden by Morten Djupvik, placed 6th and �7th in a 1.35m class against the clock;
- The Corland-mare Heechhiem's Tersina, ridden by Nathalie van der Mei, placed 2 times 5th in� a 1.40 m class against the clock;
- The Goodtimes-son Ramon, ridden by Daan van Geel, placed 4th in a 1.35 m class aginst the clock;
- The Emilion-mare Uno, ridden by Tim Hendrix, placed 8th in a 1.30/1.35 m class.
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