Sammy Joe (f. Cardento) placed 4th in Grand Prix of Fredensborg, Denmark

Sammy Joe (f. Cardento) placed 4th in the Grand Prix of Fredensborg in Denmark with rider Jenny Johansson.

In the Grand Prix of Salerno in Italy Sunflower (f. Corland) placed 8th with Pierpaolo Quagliariello.

At the CSI Vichy in Franc offspring of VDL stallions performed well:
Quarto Mail, a young Cardento, placed twice 3rd in two different classes for 7-year old jumpers. Uleika (f. Atlantic) and Karim El Zoghby placed 3rd in a 1.50m class and 9e in a 1.40m class. In an other 1.40m class L’Idole du Gonge (f. Ahorn) placed 4th with Florie Laure Etien.

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