Clooney (s. Cardento), ridden by Max Kuehner, placed 3rd in the Grand Prix of Wiener Neustadt in Germany, Wodka Lime (s. Indorado) placed 4th with rider Christian Schranz. Very Nice (s. Cantos) is the last of the three VDL offspring in the top 10 of this Grand Prix, with Timothy Hendrix he placed 8th.
Very Nice and Timothy Hendrix
Voirrelinde J.J. (s. Orame) won the Derby with Jurgen Stenfert.
6th Derby: Zorina (s. Silverstone), ridden by Michel Hendrix
2nd 6- year old class: California (s. Chin Chin), ridden by Anna Dmitrieva
2nd 1.45m rubriek: Very Nice (s. Cantos), ridden by Timothy Hendrix
7th 1.45m rubriek: Voirrelinde J.J. (s. Orame), ridden by Jurgen Stenfert
8th 1.45m rubriek: Clooney (s. Cardento), ridden by Max Kuehner
8th 1.45m rubriek op tijd: Vivaldi D (s. Hold Up Premier), ridden by Anna Dmitrieva
5th 1.35m rubriek op tijd: Vita R (s. Matterhorn), ridden by Timothy Hendrix
8th 1.35m rubriek op tijd: Zorina (s. Silverstone), ridden by Michel Hendrix
CSI 3* Hannover, Germany
4th and 7th 7/8- year old classes against the clock: Fananka A (s. Chin Chin), ridden by Daniel Deusser
10th 7/8- year old class: Chasmo (s. Chin Chin), ridden by Patrick Stuehlmeyer