Wodka Lime (Indorado x Ladalco), ridden by Alice Janout Ortner placed 4th in the Grote Prijs of Lamprechtshausen in Austria.
Dorella (Wittinger x Cantos) and Lukasz Wasilewski won two 5/6-year old classes.
CSI 2* Opglabbeek, Belgium
Van Schijndel Wamberto (Cantos x Legaat) and Piet jr. Raijmakers won a 1.40m and a 1.35m class against the clock.
Miss Understood II (Cardento x Romino) and Sophie Simpson won a 1.30m class and Ingliston Wicker (s. Silverstone), ridden by Chloe Vranken, won a 1.30m class against the clock.
5th 1.45m class: Wizzerd TN (Indoctro x Corland), ridden by Marie Luetgenau
5th 1.40m class against the clock: VDL Groep Zorro (s. Emilion), ridden by Leopold van Asten
5th 1.35m and 8th 1.30m classes against the clock: Vites BS (s. Indoctro), ridden by Farhang Sedeghi
5th 1.35m class: Cavendish (Cantos x Ulster), ridden by Niels Knape
6th 1.30m class: Ingliston Wicker and Chloe Vranken
9th 1.30m class: Abbervail Amber (Douglas x Chairlift XX), ridden by Claudia Verburgt
9th 6-year old class: Ides van de Heikant (Wittinger x Ferro), ridden by Joy Lammers