Watch Me (Cantos x Wolfgang) and Michael van den Bosch became 10th in the Grand Prix of Arezzo in Italy. They also placed 4th in a 1.45m class.

Watch me
Dakota (Carolus II x Padinus) and Jenny Johansson won a 7-year old class and Vador Jo (Chin Chin x Calvados II), ridden by Giampiero Garofalo, won a 1.35m class.
More offspring of our stallions placed as follows:
6th 1.50m class and 7th 1.45m class against the clock: Uchin Imperio Egipcio (s. Chin Chin), ridden by Petronella Andersson
9th 1.50m class: Abache H (Cantos x Lux), ridden by Charlotte Verhagen
7th 1.45m class: Valle Blanche (Indoctro x Peter Pan), ridden by Morten Djupvik
3rd 1.40m class against the clock: Action P (s. Sheraton), ridden by Jody van Gerwen
4th and 6th 1.40m classes: Claudia (s. Cardento), ridden by Hanna Mytilineou Roberson
9th 1.40m class against the clock: Bustique (Indoctro x Grannus), ridden by Michel Hendrix
2nd 1.35m class against the clock: Corelis (Indoctro x Lasino), ridden by Giuseppe Della Chiesa
7th 1.35m class against the clock: Hijacker van den Horst (s. Indoctro), ridden by Santiago Lambre
8th 1.35m class against the clock: Quarto Mail (Cardento x Alligator Fontaine), ridden by Luigi Polesello
5th 1.30m class: Tintin (s. Emmerton), ridden by Sara Samuelsson
2nd and 5th 6- year old classes: Enzo SL (Arezzo x Voltaire), ridden by Ester Blekkink
5th 6- year old class against the clock: Arghena (Corland x Carthago), ridden by Clio Boni
8th 6- year old class against the clock: Corgluck (s. Corland), gereden door Fernando Fourcade Lopez
10th 6-year old class against the clock: Estella (s. Cardento), gereden door Linn Backman