Centre Ice (s. Corland) 9th in Grand Prix Rockwood

Centre Ice (s. Corland) and Kelly Soleau became 9th in the Grand Prix of Rockwood, Ontario Canada. Viekie (Indoctro x Ircolando) and Melissa Orlick-Zbierski placed 10th.

In a 1.45m class Centre Ice and Viekie placed again 9th and 10th.

CSI 3* Tryon USA
At the show of Tryon in the United States Bugatti VDL (Silverstone x Indoctro) and Candice King 8th in the $34,000 1.50 Classic.

Defender J.W.B (Chin Chin x Sheraton), ridden by Ignacio Maurin, placed 2nd and 3rd in two classes for 7-year old jumpers.

"" Bugatti VDL

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