Coup de Chance (Cardento x Darco) and Elizabeth Gingras became 2nd in the $ 130.000 WEF Challenge Cup during the 5th week of the WEF in Wellington, Florida. Cyklon (Cardento x Cortus) and Shane Sweetnam became 4th in this WEF Challenge Cup.
Cyklon and Sweetnam also won a 1.45m class and became 5th in another 1.45m class.
6th 1.45m class: Zander (Cantos x Saygon), ridden by Beat Mändli
8th 1.40m class against the clock: Indoktro K (Indoctro x Kannan), ridden by Mark Martens
twice 2nd 6-year old classes: VDL Ferrari SMH (Bugatti x Burggraaf), ridden by Erynn Ballard