Check Picobello (s. Cardento) 3rd in Grand Prix Gorla Minore

Check Picobello Z (Cardento x Orlando vd Heffinck), ridden by Severin Hillereau, placed 3rd in the Grand Prix of Gorla Minore, Italy.

8th 1.40m class: Charmeur (Veron x Indorado), ridden by Severin Hillereau
10th 1.40m class: Flair (Zirocco Blue x Indoctro), ridden by Steve Guerdat
2nd 1.35m class: Katanga vh Dingeshof (Cardento x Tornado), ridden by Thibault Philipaerts
3rd 1.35m young jumpers class: Glamour Girl (Zirocco Blue x Caletto I), ridden by Charlotte Bettendorf


CSI 4* Vejer de la Frontera, Spain
Brioni de Vidau (s. Indoctro), ridden by Jaime Gabarron Jimenez, won a Big Tour class at the jumping of Vejer de la Frontera in Spain.

Amelia (Cantos x Numero Uno), ridden by Karim Elzoghby, placed 8th in a Big Tour class. Dondoctro Ryal K (Indoctro x Ahorn), ridden by Gerard O'Neill, placed 4th in a Medium Tour class.


CSI2* Villeneuve-Loubet, France
Tchin de la Tour (Chin Chin x Narcos II), ridden by Guillaume Foutrier, won a 1.30m class and placed, 6th 1.35m and 3rd 1.40m classes

5th 1.45m class: Seth de Rotes (Modesto x Jalisco B), ridden by Juliette Antona
3rd 1.30m class: Ulla Up de la Ronelle (Indoctro x Adelfos), ridden by Alexandre Leriche
6th 1.30m class: Fortuna Utopia (Baltic x Great Pleasure), ridden by Damien Dixon


CSI2* Vilamoura, Portugal
At the jumping of Vilamoura in Portugal Aagje de Bioagrico (Corland x Landwind) and Thierry Goffinet won a 1.40m class.

2nd 1.45m class: Well Done (Sheraton x Zeus), ridden by Julien Gonin
3rd 1.40m class: Violine de Montsec (Indoctro x Quick Star), ridden by Jerome Hurel
4th 1.40m young jumpers class: Thomascourt Atlantis (Corland x Douglas), ridden by Nicole Pavitt
6th 1.40m class: Claudio (Indoctro x Corland), ridden by Harry Marshall
6th 1.40m class: Millioninmind (Douglas x Glidawn Diamond), ridden by Emily Ward
10th 1.35m class: Dominka vd Lucashoeve (Cardento x Chin Chin), ridden by Luis Sabino Goncalves
2nd, 3rd and 4th 1.30m classes: Zorland D (Corland  x Indoctro), ridden by Nick Benterman


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Check Picobello Z

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