Nate del T. (s.Cardento) 4th in 1* Grand Prix Vermezzo

Nate del T. (Cardento x Le Tot de Semilly) and Bianca Boroli became 4th in the Grand Prix of Vermezzo, Italy. Edirk (Cantos x Indorado), ridden by Roberta Gentini, placed 6th.
At the 3* jumping offspring of our stallions placed as follows:
3rd 1.40m class: Faliane W (Emilion x Indorado), ridden by Emilio Bicocchi
5th 1.40m class: Ulloa du Trefle (Sheraton x Double Espoir), ridden by Nicolas Deseuzes
8th 1.40m class: Hidalgo (Harley x Corland), ridden by Giovanni Sapuppo
9th 1.35m class: Esarina (Carosso VDL x Jus the Pomme), ridden by Giovanni Sapuppo

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