Offspring Ebony succesfull in young dressagehorse competition

Several offspring of the dressage stallion Ebony (s. Painted Black) performed very succesfull during the finales of a competition for young dressage horses in Beilen.

Kavalan (Ebony x Zeoliet) and rider Maaike Slootweg were placed as second. Kavalan is bred by R. en T. van Hemmen from Bellingwolde. Kasjmir (Ebony x Idocus) and Jantine Slingerwolde were placed as 4th. Kasjmir is bred by W. Hoogeslag from Haarle, who also bred the numer 5: Kaskade (ms. Flemmingh). Kaskade is also riiden by Jantine Slingerwolde.

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