Perlita Frank VDL (by Barton) scores 84 points at the KWPN test

Perlita Frank VDL (by Barton) scored 84 points at the IBOP in Panningen. The Barton daughter scored an 8 twice, an 8.5 four times and even a 9 for posture and balance. The judges commented: "She is a mare with a lot of allure and charisma. She strides actively, with good 'go' from the behind leg. In trot the image is very sympathetic, she has good tact and already shows good extension and shortening. She also has a lot of self-carriage in trot. In canter she stands out with her good scope, light-footedness and in this she can also switch easily." Perlita Frank VDL (by Barton) is bred by VDL Stud & jackie Ahl-Eckhaus.

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Barton VDL

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