Jur Vrieling and VDL Corporal finished today in a fantastic 3rd place in the 1.60m Grand Prix at the 4* horseshow of Salzburg in Austria. Click on the following links to watch VDL Corporal and Jur jumping in Salzburg:
First round Grand Prix
Jump-off Grand Prix
Jur rode with Dallas VDL a clear round in a 1.35m class and in a 1.40m class he had one time fault.
Dyango VDL (Zapatero x Ahorn) and Suzanne Tepper placed 6th in a 1.50m class and 7th in a1.45m class.
Coral Springs (Douglas x Cavalier) , ridden by Manjun Kwon , placed 2nd in a 1.55m and 4th in a 1.50m class.
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