Winn Winn (s. Chin Chin) 8th in Junior Grand Prix Gorla Minore

Winn Winn (Chin Chin x Wagenaar) and Martina Simoni became 8th in the Junior Grand Prix of Gorla Minore, Italy. They also became 10th in a 1.35m class.

Denychin Ryal KD Lobstination (Chin Chin x Indoctro), ridden by Gianluca Gennusa, became 9th in de Junior Grand Prix and also became 8th in a 1.40m and 4th in a 1.35m class.

Real Steel (Chin Chin x Matterhorn), ridden by Elissa Valentina Bottoli became 6th in a 1.30m class.


CSI2* Oliva, Valencia, Spain
Carolus K DHI (Indoctro x Gran Corrado) and Joseph Clayton won a 1.45m class and became 6th in a 1.40m class at the 2* jumping of Oliva in Spain.

G & C Wolf (Harley x Corland) and Sergio Alvarez Moya won two 1.40m classes.
Dancing Queen VK (Corland x Ahorn), ridden by Bliss Heers, became 10th in a 1.40m class and Erasure SR (Cardento x Ramiro), ridden by Wyndham St. John, became 9th in a 1.35m class.

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