VDL Orame approved by the American Holstein Association

This weekend VDL Orame is approved by the American Holsteiner Association for Breeding (AHHA). VDL Orame is accepted as a breeding stallion based on his own results in the International Jumping Circuit and based on the results of his first offspring.

Semen of Orame in the United States and Canada is available by our agents:

  • Rancho Del Oro
    Katie Kuhn
    Box 1266
    Bonsall CA 92003-1266
    Tel: (760) 2218363
    E-mail: KDCKuhn@cs.com

  • Majestics Gaits                                                                                                                                       Kathy Hickerson
    68 Russell Hill Road
    Brookline NH 03033

    Tel. (603) 673 4344
    Fax (603) 672 0139
    E-Mail: Kathy@Majesticgaits.com

  • Equine Reproduction services Inc
    Box 357
    Black Diamond, AB, Canada
    Tol OHO
    Tel. (403) 933 2058
    Cell (403) 540 7883
    Fax (403) 933 2035

  • Equine Systems Inc
    Michelle Bartlett
    Mount Albert
    Ontario L0 G 1 M 0
    Tel. (905) 473 7433
    Fax (905) 473 2672

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