Next saterday The Wolden Summersale

The Wolden summersale will take place for the sixth time at CSI The Wolden. The Summersale is organized by Jan Broek, HBC Stal and the VDL Stud. They selected a collection of 10 showjumpers and 8 jumpbred foals for the auction. This collection is again selected with high quality.
The showjumpers are 5,6 and 7 years old and they all have a lot of capability. The 7 year old mare Cinnamon already has good experience on international level in 1.30/1.35m competitions. The 5 year old Cantos-son Cambridge M.G. was as 4 year old champion of the provincial free jumping championship, last winter he was a competitor in the finals of GMB competition and in 2012 he was finalist in the Hendrix competition.
The collection jumpbred foals consist of good moving foals with interesting pedigree.There will be offspring in the auction from great Stallions as: Tinka’s Boy, Zirocco Blue, Casall and Cantos. The foals come from great damlines en have high expectation for the future.

The auction will take place on the 21st of Juli at 7 PM.
The foals will be presented on the 21st of July at 5 PM
The horses will be presented on 19th of july at 5 PM. Potential buyers can try the horses at the day of the auction.

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