The KWPN jumpindexes are published in the KWPN magazine In de Strengen, in this list were some high indexes for VDL Stallions:
Baltic 166 (reliability 73%)
Arezzo 165 (reliability 77%)
Zavall 160 (reliability 78%)
Bubalu 159 (reliability 44%)
Azteca 154 (reliability 75%)
In the group of indexes of stallions with more then 10 offspring in sport and a reliability between 80% and 89%, the first 4 places were taken by VDL Stallions:
1. Wittinger 143 (reliability 87%)
2. Zirocco Blue 143 (reliability 87%)
3. Harley 143 (reliability84 %)
4. Jus de Pomme 142 (reliability 87%)
In the group of the younger stallions with no offspring the KWPN publishes a list with breedingvalues, some young VDL Stallions with high breedingvalues are:
Freeman 160
Fabriano 169
Etoulon 152
Everglade 148
Dakar 147

Zavall VDL