Good results in Fontainebleau and San Remo

Offspring of VDL Stud stallions jumped well at the shows of Fontainebleau, France, and San Remo, Italy.

CSI 4* Fontainebleau
Constable II (Harley x Lupicor), ridden by Laura Kraut, jumped clear in a 7-year old class and Urillo Du Roumois (Indoctro x Papillon Rouge), ridden by Regis Bouguennec, jumped clear in a 6-year old class.

8th 7- year old class against the clock: Tip Top de la Ronelle (Chin Chin x Adelfos), ridden by Nicolas Delmotte
2nd 1.50m class against the clock: Amelia (v. Cantos), ridden by Karim El Zoghby
7th 1.40m class: Well Done (Sheraton x Zeus), ridden by Nadja Peter-Steiner
2nd 1.35m class against the clock: U-Cantis (Cantos x Cassini I), ridden by Aldrick Cheronnet
6th 1.35m class: MCB Maya (Cardento x Turban Rose), ridden by Robert Jornayvaz
7th 1.35m class: Delvecchio (Zirocco Blue x Ahorn), ridden by Faye Schoch

CSI 2* San Remo, Italy
At the show of San Remo in Italy Salermo (Emilion x Jus de Pomme) placed 9th in a 1.40m class against the clock with rider Gian Marco Panini.
Corjulana (Corland x Come On), ridden by Gianluca Palmizi, placed 2nd in a 1.35m class against the clock and Coco Rico (s. Corland), ridden by Axel van Colen, placed 7th in same class.
Verena (s. Matterhorn) and Gian Carlos Panini placed 4th and 6th in two 1.30m classes.
"" Corjulana

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