Corporal VDL (Cardento x Grosso) an Malin Baryard-Johnsson became 5th in an 1.45m class at the jumping in Lanaken, Belgium.
Hisa (Indoctro x Parco) and Robbert Ehrens placed 2nd in the 3* Grrand Prix of Lanaken.
All-in 9 (Cardento x Calido I) and Andreas Kreuzer won an 1.45m class and placed 9th in an 1.40m class.
More offspring of our stallions placed as follows on this 3* show:
5th 1.50m class: Cue Channa 42 (Cardento x Robin I Z), ridden by Malin Baryard-Johnsson
7th 1.50m class: Charlu Chaplin S (Harley VDL x Burggraaf), ridden by Pieter Clemens
2nd 1.45m class: Mezzaluna TOK (Corland x Quinar), ridden by Alberto Zorzi
5th and 10th 1.40m classes: Mid Summer Nights Dream (Emilion x Jus de Pomme), ridden by Lisa Ulven
7th 1.40m class: Ides vd Heikant (Wittinger VDL x Ferro), ridden by Joy Lammers
2nd 1.35m class: Catara 4 (Corland x Quick Star), ridden by Catherine Pasmore
2nd 1.35m class: Mid Summer Nights Dream and Liza Ulven
5th 1.35m and 6th 1.30m classes: Dobbey (Zirocco Blue VDL x Grosso), ridden by Lars Kersten
8th 1.35m and 5th 1.30m classes: Burgana (Vermont x Indoctro), ridden by Claire Beecroft
8th 1.35m and 9th 1.30m classes: Casanova R (Indoctro x Emilion), ridden by Sebastian Adams
7th 1.30m class: Alonsa S (Cardento x Voltaire), ridden by Nicky Dillien
Lanaken CSIU25-A
At the show for riders under 25 Cassius Clay (Carolus II x Burggraaf) and Malin Baryard-Johnsson won two 1.40m classes. Zwiggy (Sydney x Guidam) and Cornelia Rylén won a 1.35m class.
8th 1.45m class: Belina (Indoctro x Voltaire), ridden by Veronique Morsink
3rd 1.35m and 4th 1.30m classes: Dakina II (Indoctro x Amor), ridden by Veronique Morsink
9th 1.35m class: Zazou (Indoctro x Quidam de revel), ridden by Sina Hungenberg
Corporal VDL