At the show of Nörten-Hardenberg Deep Blue Bridge S (Zirocco Blue x Ahorn) and Sven Fehnl won a 1.45m class. Uchin Imperio Egipcio (Chin Chin x Vondel vh Hendrixhof), ridden by Michael Wittschier, won a 1.40m amateur class and First Baltic (Baltic x Chin Chin), ridden by Michael Hughes won a 1.35m young jumpers class.
10th 1.40m amateur class: Uchin Imperio Egipcio en Michael Wittschier
2nd 1.35m and 10th 1.30m amateur classes: Damorkus R.E. (Quasimodo vd Molendreef x Haarlem), ridden by Thomas Eikenkötter
8th 1.35m and 3rd 1.30m amateur classes: Elohiem (Chin Chin x Voltaire), ridden by Chiara Herzing-Mecke
CSI2* Bourg en Bresse, France
I am Samourai (Indoctro x Dollar du Murier) and Daniel Etter won a 1.45m class at the 2* jumping of Bourg en Bresse, France. Footloose (Baltic VDL x Cavalier) and Mark McAuley won a 1.30m young jumpers class.
5th 1.40m class: Corlana S (Corland x Clearway), ridden by Delphine Perez
3rd 1.35m young jumpers class: Friso (Azteca VDL x Phin Phin), ridden by Anthony Condon
6th and 8th 1.30m class: I’m Purdey de Laubry (Corland x Prince Royal), ridden by Catherine Offner
At the 4* jumping of Bourg en Besse offspring of our stallions placed as follows:
3rd 1.50m class: Zacramento (Cardento x Cortus), ridden by Douglas Lindelöw
6th 1.45m class: Ulloa du Trefle (Sheraton x Double Espoir), ridden by Nicolas Deseuzes
6th 1.45m class: Chief Tibri Z (Corland x Berlin), ridden by João Victor Castro
8th 1.40m class: Violine de Montsec (Indoctro x Quick Star), ridden by Jerome Hurel
CSI2* Ebreichsdorf, Austria
8th 1.45m class: Wodka Lime (Indorado x Ladalco), ridden by Alice Janout
8th 1.45m class: Luchy (Emilion x Indoctro), ridden by Aleksandra Krainer
2nd 1.40m class: Donjo (Zirocco Blue VDL x Ahorn), ridden by Juraj Hanulay
5th 1.35m young jumpers class: Fenna (Zirocco Blue VDL x Sam R), ridden by Natalia Czernik
10th 1.35m class: Faltic HB (Baltic VDL x Concorde), ridden by Roger McCrea
2nd 1.30m class: Chester 24 (Indoctro x AcoradoI), ridden by Markus Saurugg
3rd 1.30m class: Spirando (Emilion x Goodwill), ridden by Katrin Braun
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