At the International Horse Show of Neuendorf Mac Kinley (Goodwill x Nimmerdor), ridden by Rolf Goran Bengtsson, has won the Grand Prix. Second became Eurocommerce Geneve (Ahorn x Ariban), ridden by Gerco Schroder. Eurocommerce Geneve was also one time�3rd in a 1.45 m class. �Gerco Schroder also became 3rd in a 1.50 m class with the Indorado-daughter Eurocommerce Lanapoule.�
Offspring by Indoctro also did well in Neuendorf. The Indoctro-son Naf Naf II, ridden by Damian Charles, was 5th in a 1.40 m class. Otoucha, ridden by Manfred Marschaal, was 3rd in� a 1.30 m class. In another 1.30 m class the Indoctro-son Pedro, ridden by Dermott Lennon, was 5th.
The Corland-mare HBC Dancing Queen, ridden by Julia Kayser, became 5th in a ladies competition.
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