Zuidenwind 4th in Swedish Championship

The dressage stallion Zuidenwind (OO Seven - Jazz) became 4th in the final of the Open Swedish Dressage Championships for 6 year old dressagehorses. He was ridden by Rose Mathisen.

Zuidenwind is approved for the KWPN studbook and for the Swedsih Warmblood Association, he is standing at the Gransbo Stutteri in Sweden, they are together with the VDL Stud the owner of the stallion. He has had a very good breedingseason in Sweden and was one of the most populair dressage stallions in Sweden this year.

The Flemmingh-son Wladimir O.A. and his rider Pernilla Andre Hokfelt became Swedish Champion of the 7 year old dressage horses.

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