Dolivia VDL and Emotion VDL win at Open Free Jumping Championship

Last Saturday, the finals were held from the Friesian Open Championship free jumping. The VDL Stud was represented here by 2 horses: the 4-year-old mare VDL Dolivia (Douglas x Nimmerdor ) and the 3-year-old stallion VDL Emotion (Arezzo x Contender).

Both horses jumped very well and became Champion. Dolivia VDL won the Championship of the 4-year old jumpers. The mare got a total of 90 points, including a 9.5 for her reflexes and for her talent for showjumping.


Emotion VDL became Champion of the 3-year old jumpers with a total of 79.5 points. The son of Arezzo received an 8 for Canter, Scope, Reflex, Flexibility and for his talent as a jumper.

More offspring of VDL stallions were highly placed in this championship:
2nd Elon HBC (Cantos x Calvados), bred and owned by HBC Stal
4th Ersinaa (Emilion x Indoctro), bred and owned by S. & I. van der Meer
6th Erando (Emmerton x Furore), bred and owned by W.L. Faber.

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