Zapatero VDL 5th in Grand Prix de Wolden

The approved stallions Zapatero VDL and Wittinger VDL competed in the Grand Prix at CSI de Wolden.

They both jumped great and placed in the top 10. Zapatero VDL, ridden by Angelique Hoorn, jumped clear but had one time fault. As there were only 4 competors with a clear round,  Zapatero and Angelique ended in 5th place.
The video of Zapatero is On Youtube: Zapatero 5th in GP de Wolden

Wittinger VDL and his rider Jur Vrieling had one pole down but had a fantastic time which was good for finishing 7th. The Grand Prix was won by the Indoctro-mare Royal Dream and her rider Dennis van den Brink.

"" Zapatero VDL

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