Fardon, a young Corland, and his rider Niklaus Schurtenberger placed 2nd in the Grand Prix of Chevenez in Switzerland. They also placed 5nd in a 1.45m class against the clock.
Wervel (s. Corland), ridden by Annina Zueger, won a 1.40m class.
7th 1.45m class against the clock: Unbelievable S (s. Matterhorn), ridden by Reto Ruflin
6th 1.30m class: Ahosveros (s. Silverstone), ridden by Nadine Traber
CSI 3* Caen, France
Upper Star (s. Silverstone) and Jerome Guery placed 9th in the Grand Prix of Caen in France.
Touchable (s. Navarone), ridden by Claudia Gisler, placed 8th in a 1.45m class against the clock and Zafir (s. Orame), ridden by Jerome Hurel, placed 7th in a 1.40m class against the clock.
CSI 2* Gravenwezel, Belgium
Ronaldo (s. Ahorn) and Carlos Eduardo Mota Ribas placed 2nd in the Grand Prix of Gravenwezel in Belgium. They also won the Master Class with 5 clear rounds.
9th 1.40m class: Caramelle KLT (s. Cardento), ridden by Danielle Farnsworth
7th 1.35m class and 9th 1.30m class against the clock Wotherspoon (s. Indorado), ridden by Rob Heijligers.