Springtime (s. Indorado) 4th in Worldcup Qualifier Lexington

During the CSI-W-FEI 4* World Cup Lexington in America, Springtime (s. Indorado) and Saer Coulter placed 4th in the Worldcup Qualifier.
"" Springtime
More results of VDL stallion offspring are as follows:
2nd Puissance: Temmie (s. Matterhorn), ridden by Jessica Springsteen
2nd 1.50m class against the clock: Pjotter van de Zonnehoeve (s. Emilion), ridden by McLain Ward
5th 1.50m class against the clock: Temmie (s. Matterhorn), ridden by Jessica Springsteen
8th 1.50m class against the clock: Belmont (s. Ahorn), ridden by Laura Kraut Kent
2nd 1.45m class: Cyklon (s. Cardento), ridden by Shane Sweetnam
3rd 1.45m class: Amadora (s. Chin Chin), ridden by Elizabeth Patton Madden
6th 1.45m class: Vadetta van het Mettenhof (s. Orame), ridden by Olivier Philippaerts

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