Springtime (s. Indorado) 3rd in Worldcup Qualifier Thermal

Springtime(s. Indorado) adn Saer Coulter placed 3rd in the Worldcup Qualifier of Thermal in the US.
"" Springtime
In the 4th week of the WEF in Wellington, Florida, Whisper H.E. (s. Corland) placed 8th in the Grand Prix. Amadora (s. Chin Chin), ridden Beezie Madden placed 6th in a 1.45m class against the clock and Whitney (s. Indoctro), ridden by Ramiro Quintana placed 8th in a1.45m class. KM What Ever RV, a young Murano, ridden by Dana Scott placed 3rd in a Junioren class.

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