Zabros (s. Cantos) 9th in Grand Prix Strazeele

Zabros (Cantos x Calvados) and Nicolas Delmotte placed 9th in the Grand Prix of Strazeele in Belgium and they also placed 8th in a 1.40m class. W Zermie (Indoctro x Joost) and Eric Lefebre won a 1.25m class.

CSI 2* Lier, Belgium
Ursula (Hold Up Premier x Nimmerdor) and Cleo Laenen have won a 1.20m class against the clock at the 2* jumping in Lier.
More offspring of VDL Stud stallions placed as follows:
6th and 8th 1.35m classes against the clock: Daiquiri vd Moortelshoeve (Quasimodo vd Molendreef x Nabab de Reve), ridden by Thomas de Wit
8th 1.35m class against the clock: Refallo (Indoctro x Etretat), ridden by Eleonore Lambilliotte
2nd 1.30m class and 2nd 1.30m class against the clock: Barbarella (Cardento x Ahorn), ridden by Albert Zoer
4th and 5th 1.20m classes against the clock: Peu de Pomme (Jus de Pomme x Burggraaf), ridden by Louise van Laer
4th and 5th 1.20m classes against the clock: Ursula and Cleo Laenen

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