Talina (s. Matterhorn) wins in Muenster

Talina (s. Matterhorn) has won a 1.45m competition during CSI Muenster. Talina was ridden by Douglas Lindelow from Zweden.

Amelia (s. Cantos) was placed more than ones in several 1.50m. Amelia was ridden by Karim El Zoghby (EGY). They were placed as second and as third .
Coral Springs (s. Douglas) was also placed in several competitions with rider Johannes Ehning (GER). They were placed as ninth in a 1.40m competition and third in a 1.50m competition.
Clooney (s. Cardento) and rider Max Kuehner (GER) were placed as seventh in a 1.50m competition.

There were several offspring of VDL Stallions were placed during CSI Choczewo (Polen):
- 2nd, 4th and 7th in competition seven year old horses: Calingka (s. Cardento) ridden by Aleksandra Kozanecka (POL)
- 6th and 8th in 1.40m: Abel Tasmann (s. Tenerife) ridden by Joanna Pociecha Ochab (POL)
- 9e in 1.40m: Caresse (s. Cardento) ridden by Alec Lawler (USA)
- 9e in 1.40m: Excape (s. Chin Chin) ridden by Perry Geryl (BEL)

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