Fardon (Corland x Mezcalero) and Anna Julia Kontio became 3rd in the 3* Grand Prix of Arezzo in Italy.
Tiger (Cardento x Stanford) and James Davenport placed 8th in the 2* Grand Prix of Arezzo
More offspring of our stallions placed as follows in Arezzo:
5th 1.45m and 10th 1.40m classes against the clock: Aseth S (Indoctro x Hold Up Premier), ridden by Antonio Sanfelice
9th 1.45m class against the clock: Fardon and Anna Julia Kontio
2nd 1.40m class: Indor GP (Indorado x Ahorn), ridden by Marco Porro
2nd 1.40m class against the clock: Fananka A (Chin Chin x Kannan), ridden by Emanuel Andrade
4th 1.35m rubriek: Aznavour (Chin Chin x Quidam de Revel), ridden by Massimiliano Baroni
5th 1.35m class: Wibalia (s. Matterhorn), ridden by Lorenzo Barzaghi
8th 1.35m class: Bivaldi (Cantos x Lennard ), ridden by Alexandr Belekhov
9th 1.35m class: Casantos (Cantos x Cassini I), ridden by Michele Previtali
2x 2nd 1.30m class: Jartrum (Orame x Acobat I), ridden by Gustavo Arroyo
5th 1.30m class against the clock: Verena (s. Matterhorn), ridden by Gian Marco Panini
8th 1.30m class against the clock: Vigo (Indoctro x Goodwill), ridden by Lorena Santini
3rd 5-year old class: Corgluck (v. Corland), ridden by Fernando Fourcade
8th 5- year old class: Esdoroville (s. Indorado), ridden by Gabriele Bresciani
2nd and 4th 6- year old classes: Dandy (Wittinger x Cantos), ridden by Andres Rodriguez
2x 5th 7-year old classes: C Son of Jimtown (s. Jimtown), ridden by Gian Marco Panini