Vegas VDL and Arkansas VDL sold to Delight Stables in Germany

Recently the stallions Vegas VDL and  Arkansas VDL were sold to Delight Stables in Germany. The two stallions  will be used there for breeding. Vegas VDL is a talented son of Atlantic and striked as  a young stallion in the stallion competitions. Unfortunately his sports career was prematurely ended by an injury. Vegas VDL is a brother of Baltic VDL.

Arkansas VDL was Irish Champion of the 4  year old jumphorses and he jumped  at international level  under Wout Jan van der Schans. After his sports career he was leased to Ireland for breeding. Here he has already brought some good international showjumpers including Ringwood Glen, who recently was 6th in the Championat of Vienna.

"" Arkansas

"" Vegas

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