The Pugilist (s. Douglas) 6th in Grand Prix Madrid

The Pugilist (Douglas x Freddie’s Star) and Bretton Chad became 6th in the 2* Grand Prix of Madrid.

Harmony (s. Harley) and Bernardo Moura placed 5th in a 1.40m class and Vedor (Indoctro x Fedor), ridden by Julia Hargreaves placed 8th in a 1.40m class against the clock.

At the 5* jumping of Madrid Matrix (Cardento x Maximus) and Josè Maria Larocca 8th in a 1.55m class and Talina (Matterhorn x Heidelberg), ridden by Douglas Lindelow, placed 4th in a 1.50m class.

""The Pugilist

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