S F Ariantha (s. Corland) wins $127.000 GP Tryon

S F Ariantha (Corland x Emilion) and Andres Rodriguez won the $127.000 Grand Prix of Tryon in America. They also placed 2nd in the Suncast 1.50m Welcome class.
Belmont (Ahorn x Landfriese) and Alise Oken, placed 4th in a 1.45m class and Brugal VDL Indorado x Guidam), ridden by Jonathan McCrea, became 3rd in a 1.40m class.
"" S F Ariantha

CSI 2* Calgary, Canada
At the show of Calgary, Terrific (Marlon x Lux) and John Anderson became overall champion in the Royal West Championship of the 1.45m. In the qualifications they placed 6th twice.

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