All In 9 (s. Cardento) 10th in 2* Grand Prix Salzburg

All in 9 (Cardento x Calido I) and David Will became 10th in the Grand Prix of Salzburg, Austria. They also placed 5th in a 1.40m class.

Campari 274 (Corland x Camouflage), ridden by Claudia Kraus, placed 6th in a 1.30m class.    


At the 4* concours Bo J (Indorado x Quick Star), ridden by Gerfried Puck, placed 3x: They placed 6th in a 1.55m class, 3rd in a 1.50m and 8th in a 1.45m class.

Cassius vd Smis (Cardento x Skippy II), ridden by Marcel Marschall, placed 4th in a 1.50m class and Quarto Mail (Cardento x Alligator Fontaine), ridden by Andrew Kocher, placed 2nd in a 1.45m class.


At the CSIU25-A jumping Coral Springs (Douglas x Cavalier Royale) and Manjun Kwon placed 4th in a 1.50m class and Zazou Szumawa (Cantos x Nairobi), ridden by Adam Grzegorzewski, placed 5th in a 1.50m and 7th in a 1.45m class.

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Bo J

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