Catch me Not S (by Cardento) and Peter Fredericson win the Championat of Mannheim

MANNHEIM - Catch me Not S (by Cardento x Ramiro's son) and Peter Fredericson (SWE) have won the CSI4* 1.55m Maimarkt Championship of Mannheim (GER) in a fantastic way.
Various Cardento descendants also performed excellently at other competitions.
BBS McGregor (by Cardento x Mark Twain) and Jack Ryan (IRL) jumped to an excellent third place in the CSI2* Grand Prix in Busto Arsizio (ITA).
Dendence VDL (by Cardento x Corland) and Ivaylo Bonev (BUL) took a nice fifth place with two clear rounds in the CSI2* Grand Prix in Prague (CZ).
Delissimo de Fremis (by Cardento x Cordano Sitte Z) came second in the CSIU25-A - Grand Prix in Lamprechtshausen under rider Nina Pangeršic (SLO).
Ofaline v/h Hanneweehof (v. Cardento x Diamant de Semilly) and Bunoit Moeskops (BEL) were fourth and sixth in the young horse class over 1.25m in Lier (BEL).
Jesther (by Cardento x Guidam) and rider Bas Moerings (NED) came second in the young horse class over 1.30m in Opglabbeek (NED).

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Cardento 'Elite'

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