Coral Reef Wise Guy (s. Indoctro x Julius) and Joseph Davidson won the 2* Grand Prix of Windsor, GBR. Mae (Vegas x Topas), ridden by Noel Fauntleroy, placed 7th and Caristo VDL (Silverstone x Quick Star), ridden by Tracy Priest, placed 9th.
Arlando (Harley x Animo) en Roelof Bril became 8th in the 3* Grand Prix of Eindhoven and Coral Springs (Douglas x Cavalier Royale), ridden by Manjun Kwon, placed 8th in the 2* Grand Prix of Ebreichsdorf, Austria.
Briljantbridge B (Radisson x Glennridge) and Mikkel Flam placed 7th in the 1* Grand Prix of Drammen, Norway.
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