Fine EPTM results for offspring of Harley VDL, Pommerol de Muze and Carrera VDL

There were fine EPTM results for descendants of Harley VDL, Pommerol de Muze and Carrera VDL.

Ordina HL (Harley VDL x Zirocco Blue VDL) received a total score of 82.5 points. At the studbook inspection, which followed the EPTM test, Ordina HL was immediately declared elite. 
A.L.J. Hendriks of Langenboom (NED) bred Ordina HL.

Oriante Ella (Pommerol de Muze x Etoulon) was immediately declared provisional keur.
For her performance in the EPTM ability test, Oriante Ella received 81 points. 
M.TT. Rosier of Dronryp & S.Rosier -van der Groot of Wjelsryp bred the talented Oriante Ella.

Oranda JCB (Carrera VDL x Vegas VDL) passed her EPTM test with a final score of 80 points.
C.A. Broekman & J.Broekman at Vledder (NED) bred Oranda JCB.

Harley VDL

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