Jativia (s. Cardento) wins Gold Grand Prix Waregem

Jativia (Cardento x Gottwald) and Koen Vereecke won the Gold Grand Prix of Waregem, Belgium. They also won two 1.45m classes.
S & L Chubby Checker (Cardento x Grannus), ridden by Vincent Lambrecht, placed 8th in a 1.45m Gold class.
Kirlo vd Bosrand (Cardento x Utrillo vd Heffinck) and Olivia Kinneson placed 8th in the Silver Grand Prix of Waregem and Carlina des Vergers Z (Clapton VDL x Totoche du Banney), ridden by Laetitia Surin, placed 10th in deze Grand Prix.
Yalambi’s Enrique (Vegas x Chin Chin), ridden by Evie Buller, won a 1.30m class and placed 7th in a 1.35m class.
more offspring of our stallions p-laced as follows at this Silver jumping of Waregem:
8th 1.35m: Kirlo vd Bosrand & Olivia Kinneson
10th 1.35m Carlina des Vergers Z & Laetitia Surin
4th and 5th 1.35m classes: Car Love Epona-B (Cardento x Nabab de Reve), ridden by Leslie Goethals
7th 1.30m class: Chin Champ (Chin Chin x Carvallo), ridden by Louise Losfeld
10th 1.30m class: Fento Chin S (Chin Chin x Carthago), ridden by Frederik Wuytack
At the 5* jumping of Waregem VDL Groep Arera C (Indoctro x Voltaire) and Maikel of der Vleuten placed 2nd in a 1.50m class.

Gekoppelde paarden

Arera C

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