VDL stallions offspring in Top 5 World Cup Final Riyadh

This weekend there were fantastic results in the FEI World Cup final in Riyadh for offspring of VDL stallions; Catch me Not S (Cardento x Ramiro's Son) and Peder Fredricson placed 3rd and Elysium (Zirocco Blue x Coronado), ridden by Hans Dieter Dreher,  finished in 5th place.
Catch me Not S (by Cardento) is bred in Sweden by Krister Svedberg, This year only Peder and the Cardento-son already won more than €320.000,- this year. The Zirocco Blue-son bred by Manfred Tummes won this weekend €135.000,- prize money.

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Catch Me Not S (v. Cardento)

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